Meaning of shock transmission and volatility spillover in M-GARCH models

Dear All,

In academic research there is lot of literature on spillover between different financial markets (bonds, equity, gold etc.)

I have a conceptual questions

  1. What is the meaning of shock transmission between two financial markets as seen in m-garch models like BEKK etc.
  2. What is meaning of volatility spillover between two financial markets as seen in m-garch models like BEKK etc.

I do understand the academic language which states shock transmission mean past news/innovation in market 1 affect current conditional volatility of market 2 (short run)

Second, volatility spillover means past volatility in market 1 effects current conditional volatility of market 2 (long run)

But can someone help and give some real life examples on these things play in real market and how can results be explained to a layman

@S2000magician kindly help sir :slight_smile:

Coming back here after long time :

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