meeting someone while studying 4 CFA...

this post might come across as bit premature, high schoolish, but looking to get some perspective as I’m sure other CFA folks have encountered this. so i studies and passed level 1 this past june. at the onset of studies i met someone at end of 'ole match subscription, last person before membership expired. we ended up getting along quite well, grew up in same city, similiar interests/backgrounds, and good amt of chemistry. however, there were a few issues that prevented us from spending more time together, studying being a major one. i was getting up every morning before work to study and most evenings were for that as well. about month before the exam knew i needed to step up the hours so our dates become more infrequent. tried to explain to her the time crunch, but part of me felt gulity for not making more of an effort so basically said it was working between us, let’s go friend route. it do not go over well with her. fast fwd bout three months, i reach out to her via email to see if she wants to reconnect as friends. after some phone-tag, msgs, we hung out other night, ended up hooking up, etc. so now trying to figure out if i really do want to be with her, or because i now have spare time? anyone have their judgement skewed while meeting, dating someone during CFA crunch? thanks, John

You boned her already. Move on.

yea I started to look at sixes like they were nines… My standards have now gotten back up to where they should be after wearing the “CFA goggles”

Hahaha…keep her around until you get the CFA then upgrade her!

jgrandits Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > this post might come across as bit premature I think something else was premature which leads me to believe that the decision is out of your hands at this point. > so i studies and passed level 1 this past june. Classic. I would recommend a college intro english class and a beginner’s typing class to locate that elusive shift key.

lol - go on a few dates without just boning her and see if you still like her as a person While I was studying I would have taken anything/anyone as a distraction…!

KarenC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lol - go on a few dates without just boning her > and see if you still like her as a person > > While I was studying I would have taken > anything/anyone as a distraction…! And you started studying again right? HHHHMMMM, I think it’s about time I dust off the passport. You enjoying your break?

geez, you’re like a community kleenex karenc!

Matt - here now I meant in the sense that I’d agree with dates/any auld distraction - don’t be painting me with that little brush!! Jensen - hey honey! :wink: Yeah started studying again and have the next 2 weeks off - definitely going for distraction!

This thread is just asking for my one liner. jgrandits : Pics or she doesn’t exist.

Also, please post her profile.

This could be the plot of a super nerdy adult film plot. I can almost hear the cheesy music now.


if it wasn’t for the snoring problem would have been all good…can handle being sleep deprived few nights per week, but while studying seemed like every night was precious to get up and study before work. trying to retain this shit on four hrs, on/off sleep, was too much to handle at time, now it’s something might be willing to work on. anyways, thks for bit of guidance, going to chat w/chica manana, although fairly certain she is seeing someone else.


Seriously… You dumped this girl for a test. Even if you come crawling back and she really isn’t seeing another guy, do you really think this is a relationship worth salvaging?