methodical and individulist differences

Methodical Decisions based on thinking, lot of research no emotional attahment, difficult to advise due to their confidence. More risk tolerant than cautious, less risk tolerant than individualist. Individualist. Decisions based on thinking, lot of research , questions adviser if conflicting. More risk tolerant than methodical, less risk tolerant than individualist. except degree of risk tolerance, what is the difference between these two. both do research, both are confident. Any details please.

I asked Schweser the same Q and they said that’s basically it - level of risk aversion

Well, due to the level of risk tolerance, the methodical person is much more conservative and therefore less turnover in the portfolio because he takes a long time with every trade due to research and analysis. Individualistic is more confident and less conservative and you see more traits of a confident investor.

additional insight: “methodical : he takes a long time with every trade due to research and analysis, less turnover” Thanks, grg & sparty.

Based on CFAI methodical tends to based on hard fact

In addition to risk tolerance difference, someone from older threads considered: Methodical spends more time gathering facts than Individualist does. Individualist spends more time analyzing data than Methodical does.

I agree with King I always understood it as Methodical - has criteria of doing stuff and sticks with them, not necesarily so for individualistic ( ie methodical will buy tomorrow a stock that is down based on fundamentals let’s say, individualistic might change his mind and consider yesterday’s buy as a sell tomorrow and sticks with it) so methodical based more on outside factors individualistic more on personal beliefs

one is a smaller and the other one is a bigger paid in the a$$.

one is a smaller and the other one is a bigger pain in the a$$.

one is a smaller and the other one is a bigger pain in the a$.