No, not in financial engineering, but a masters of “financial economics” Oxford is offering one: Courses: They mention asset pricing and stochastic processes as part of the curriculum, is this just a slightly “different” financial engineering degree ? Has anyone ever seen someone with a masters in financial economics and what kind of job they do ?

I’m guessing the career peak should be a chief economist of a financial company?

Humm…just saw this on the website: The Saïd Business School is the founder member of the CFA Educational Partnership programme, which officially recognises that 70 per cent of the CFA qualification’s required body of knowledge is embedded within the MFE curriculum. It looks like this 9 month “masters” is like the CFA curriculum (in fact it might even have more topics)…

A lot of Masters programs around the world are now part of the CFAI partnership. More sheep to enroll and further devalue the charter.

Have a look at LSE for this kind of economics heavy finance course. Cass better for more quants based courses and Cranfield probably better for management. I’d be wary of entering into a masters that effectively mirrors the CFA curriculum if you are already studying for the CFA exams.

Whatever course or degree you get from Oxford, you always graduate with the name brand, regardless of whether you are from the MBA program or some other adjuct program such as MFE or MsC.

Oxford is a huge name to have on your resume! Just go for it even if this MFE would be remotely useful to further your career.

Financial economics is quite different from financial engineering as they try to answer different questions. Assuming you know what financial engineering is, financial economics is described pretty well here: asset pricing and stochastic processes are important tools for both. However, financial economics also requires understanding of economics (price theory, etc) whereas financial engineering doesn’t deal with economics.