Milo Yiannopoulos

Fluffy Monkey, people like you are who Milo is referring to when he talks about people who can’t tell a joke from being serious and are thus not worth the time. You are more concerned with the phrase and not with the context in which the phrase is used. A word is not in and of itself racist. I will not waste anymore of my time explaining it to you if you cannot grasp that.


Buffalo Brah you can call whomever you want whatever you want and I really couldn’t give a damn and you might want to stop being so precious before crying about liberal snowflakes. No one referenced your post or gave a crap about it. We can talk about jokes, their place and context and what they mean in a society that hasn’t managed to strip down the concept of ‘other’ for three centuries but I suspect that will fly over your pasty head.

Sure, except without the whole baggage of being associated with a less civilized primitive people blah blah that still find themselves coming up with alarming regularity. Reference : That American mayor calling Michelle an ape.

Np, I get what you’re saying, I really do but the method with which Milo is going about it is going to backfire spectacularly because he doesn’t really get why all this originated or if he did he’s ignoring it. I told myself I wouldn’t bother with this crap anymore but just for you here goes:

We had an American writer come over recently and she went on a rant about how she felt her creativity was being stifled because she was not allowed to place herself in the boots of people who were not White and used it as an example of PC culture going too far. She had a fair few points but midway through her speech people started getting up and leaving, they were overwhelmingly non-White and it was a problem that they chose to walk away rather than engage yet it made complete sense. Something else happened when immigration shifted from White to non-White countries and Black people in America started pulling themselves into the middle-class despite the deck stacked against them, these ‘new’ people now had enough disposable income or comfort to spend time pondering art, literature etc and they overwhelmingly rejected their stories being told by ‘other’ people (read : White). Most White people do not understand this as they feel it is critical in challenging their worldview but they don’t understand that these people don’t really give a crap anymore and the world has changed so fast that it is no longer about challenging White-centric viewpoints because in many ways they are already dead. See also : The controversy about some American schools moving to pull Mockingbird from the curriculum due to pressure and depictions of the ‘helpless’ Black man.

Many Western societies have avoided this due to some quirks : The Brits seem to have a very different idea on how they view race, Aussies have a problem with Aboriginals yet most other ethnicities have been integrated well because people are extremely laid back for the most part and don’t care about stupid shit (and mostly because haf the populations stays in 3 cities that are really diverse), France bans classifying people by ethnicities and so on yet in America there seems to be a common thread that have united people who are very different which ultimately gave rise to the whole ‘Intersectionality’ movement.

There are obviously drawbacks in this movements insistence on playing identity politics yet Milo and others like him seem intent on fighting fire with fire (scholarship only open to white kids etc). This will not go down well and as the demographics of the USA continues to shift away from White majority it has the potential to become very ugly.

I’m not really sure that what you’re saying and what I’m saying have to be mutually exclusive. I also don’t think that having a few Milo’s out there precludes the rest of the society from taking a more even keeled approach. Checks and balances.

Uh… I was the one who said Jungle Fever? And then I believe you went on to call it a racist term which I believe earns me a response. You may be right, It will probably fly over my pasty cuck yankee head… BTW- you may not want to use racial and sexual slurs when accusing people of being racist or sexist.

I know as a Yankee you are brought up to believe the world revolves around you but just some useful advice - no one cares. I know it’s shocking to hear but sit down and it will sink in after a while. After you’re done go back,read and understand that we were talking about the phrase in vacuum not the context in which you used it because NO ONE CARES whether you’re redneck trash from Alabama or a champagne socialist from Maine.

I think in many ways they are simply because the language that Milo is using is actively blocking a number of things that I touched on above that won’t go away no matter how hard and vitriolic the pushback is and like I said a lot of these people are beyond fed up. It was one of those things which required MLK not Malcolm X but time will tell I guess.

^nothing taken personal Bruv, but you seem to have a healthy preoccupation with what yanks do and say, so i’ll gladly take it upon myself to educate you when you call us out since I probably have more actual knowledge and reference points than you.

If Milo is pro-free-speech, I hope he’s blasting conservatives for criticizing CK’s national anthem kneeling thing the way he criticizes liberals. Oh wait, he’s not. His idea of defending free speech is from only one side.

He completely defended Kaep’s right, he just said he disagreed with his message:

“Oh god, I’m so bored about hearing about this silly grandstanding… …Oh no, I think we should be hugely respectful of free speech and freedom of expression”, Milo disagreed. “No, I don’t want to get too uptight about it because I don’t care about some sportsman, as I started out to say. I don’t care about some sportsman having a little hissy fit spectacle, okay? What I would like though is when our sportsmen and celebrities do things like this and all eyes are on them afterwards, I would like them to actually say something of substance. Have a real argument, rather than these lefty talking points, and by the way, the reason sales of his shirt are going up is because people are burning them.”

Yea… I noticed that too. (Watched the video PA posted). He said he believed in an “open market” for discussion and idea. Great!.. I totally agree. Political correctness is damaging and over time ends up causing social instability. Where I stop agreement is when he supports the Muslim ban on the basis that he disagrees with their culture. So what? The Muslim point of view does not apply to the “open market” of ideas?

Otherwise, I really like the guy (but am kinda jealous because he is prettier than me frown)

His arguments are designed to be more inflammatory than anything and usually in more serious moments he’s a little less over the top. The Muslim ban comes from the fact that he’s gay and there are 10 countries (Muslim countries) where he could be executed. He’s primarily making the point to turn the liberal POV back on them a bit regarding extremist groups and grab headlines. When I was in college debates, I loved getting devils advocate arguments and playing them out, tap dancing on conventional POV’s just to see if I could pull it off and to push back on the consensus that the widely accepted view was airtight. I take most of these debates as doing the same.

Oh yea… good point. That’s an interesting game he has going on there. yes

The vast majority of Muslims emigrate to escape the way of life of their homeland. They are much more liberal and open minded than their countrymen and government, ESPECIALLY the second generation of Muslims that were born and raised in a Western country. Sure we hear stories of those that never assimilate and become terrorists, but that is the exception. I’m fairly certain the proportion of Blacks and Latinos that oppose gay marriage is as high as Muslims.

So DT called for punishing flag burners. How come Mr free speech isn’t attacking him? The guy is a useful mouthpiece for hate groups who likes wrap his points in holier than thou lectures. Best he is ignored.

or the fact that the VPe is a homophobe and supported anti women legislation. Conservatives have never cared about gay rights or women’s rights unless its Muslims doing the oppressing. Charity starts at home…

Lol, super simplistic. He’s not a typical pundit, he doesn’t care two craps about individual politicians beyond using them as illustrations and he wouldn’t view something like flag burning as central to free speech. He’s primarily focused on the freedom to actually speak and hold ideas, not the freedom to throw hissy fits. Look at his stance on the kneeling for the national anthem, he doesn’t care whether the guy kneels or not, he just wants more substantive and open dialogue. His stance would be the same on flag burning, you’re really reaching for strawmen here. Just because he hasn’t personally gone out and identified each and every possible infringement of free speech he can’t be championing it? LOL. To the same point, he didn’t go out of his way to condemn Hillary for sponsoring the last anti-flag bill recommending jail time, he’s got bigger fish to fry. Anyhow, his central issue is PC culture, always has been, always will be. That’s his wheelhouse.

Yeah, I always draw a clear distinction between American Islam and ME Islam for that reason. Different animals.

I’ve never heard of him until now but it seems like he’s oversimplifying the issues of Islam and homosexuality. The official stance in the Muslim faith is clearly very anti gay and there are some pretty awful things happening to gay people in Islamic countries but I don’t think the average Muslim (whether in the west or in the Middle East) is at all like how most people in the US (or parts of the UK) assume them to be.

I have a mate in London who is exclusively attracted to black men. He lives in a predominately black area and basically structures his life around cruising for black c*ck.

He has a particular liking of “thugs” (basically ghetto stereotypes) which to my mind pretty much makes his sexual preference racist in and of itself. His conclusion is that he’s “so not racist to the point that he can appear racist”

As an aside, he’s also convinced that black mens arseholes are in a different positions to white mens.

Yeah, most of his arguments are devils advocate type stances. It’s likely an oversimplification (I don’t agree with it) but I also don’t agree with people (often liberals that are quick to point out you can’t define Muslims by extremists) who liken all of Trump supporters to the KKK.