Misconduct and crimes

Can someone explain how exactly we can tell if a crime committed by a member/candidate is a violation of the standards of practice? I believe I read it relates to whether the crime had to do with dishonesty, fraud or reputation? I read one example where a investment manager has received multiple dwi’s , but these are not considered violations of the standards (b/c they are not about dishonesty, fraud, nor reputation since nobody has found out about it??), but I’ve read another in which someone is known for drinking during lunch and coming in to work after drunk, and this is a violation (b/c it does effect their reputation since people know?) So if a crime is not directly related to dishonesty or fraud, such as drunk driving, will it only be a violation if people find out? Shouldn’t the crime itself be judged, and not just whether it has been made public?

From your two examples, one consists of someone consuming alcohol after work hours on the weekend perhaps. The other is someone who consumes alcohol during work hours at lunch, when they are back at the office their judgement will be impaired to make normal investment decisions.

granted, but simply consuming alcohol isn’t illegal. It violates the standard in the second case because you sholdn’t consume alcohol during work. But DWI is always illegal, yet it seems it only violates the standards occasionally?

Just don’t DWI during work hours.

Dreary Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just don’t DWI during work hours. sorry I’m not a native english speaker … What do u mean by DWI ??

driving under the influence (of alcoholic beverages, in this case)

so then is it consistent with the standards that a DWI in one case does not violate the standards, but a dwi in a different case does?

Or driving while intoxicated. I think DWIs are misdermenors (sp?), right? I am not sure why the standards would say that it is a violation of standards unless a work commitment was involved.

Because the Code and Standards are about your professional conduct, not your personal conduct. CFAI is not in the business of making you a better hsuband or a good samaritain, or an animal lover, or someone who cares about the envirionment…only be a good analyst and bahave, as far as your work is concerned, with integrity and honesty.