Mock Exams

Did I just mess up here? I didn’t get the answers. How did you get the answers? F*CK! I assume you have to review each one? and by the way. It was the same Derivatives and Corp Finance as last year…

you can get the pdf by logging back on to testtrac to your results page. there should be a link there to the pdf of “answers”. but they don’t give you letter answers, and it’s very difficult to figure out what you go wrong unless it’s all fresh in your mind. awesome.


Ahhhhhhhhhh… I am losing my mind.

So, its not like the sample exams where they tell you if you’re right or wrong after you answer the question…?

nope… just plain text that is sometimes really confusing…


I was thinking of going through and printing it out to take it because I do TERRIBLE taking tests on a screen… but without the answers at the end I guess I wouldn’t know my score!

just a general question: how does one go about taking screenshots, purely for informational purposes?

Google it. :slight_smile:

life would be so tough without the benefits of google :wink: