Morning Session breakdown by english proficiency

I’ve passed all my actuarial exams and there was a pretty obvious trend apparent with the exams. The first four exams which are all math based were passed by anybody who had a strong analytical mind.

The later exams which are all essay based were passed rarely by foreign students who had a tough time with the english language barrier.

I’m wondering what the pass rates are for english speaking candidates compared to non. It was significant with actuarial exams. I mean 10-20% of the students who struggled with english passed the later exams.

Are the 50% who dont pass disproproprotionately english second language speaking candidates?

just throwing it out there and wondering if this has come up before.


As far as I know the CFAI does not release pass rates at this level of granularity. Any comments attempting to explain the variation are merely speculation.

which exam btw? MLC?

Not MLC. MLC is a preliminary exam and is all math. The first four exams are all math. The career specific exams require essay writing such as the Life, Pension, Health or P&C field. Whichever route you go.

That’s where you see the considerable divergence in passing rates from students who struggle with english.