Most Badass Spy Agency

Wait, badass in terms of what ? - Budget, importance, reach, etc.: def CIA - Badassness of agents: Russian services and Mossad - Involvement in wars, revolutions and dictatures abroad: CIA and Russian but also don’t discount British and French - Guys you want the least to be picked up by: I would say services of places like Ouzbekistan, Nord Korea … Iran

I just read on a website that something called “Seal Team Six” was the commando troop that took out Bin Laden under control of the CIA. These guys are straight up black ops, license to kill or no license.

Yep, been reading about them today. Apparently Team 6 handpicks it’s members from the more than 2,500 existing SEALS. Of those that are hand picked, less than half will make it though the additional training to become a member. They are designed to conduct operations outside sovereign boundaries and maintain few or no records regarding their black ops even internally to maintain plausible reliability. CIA recruits heavily from among them for clandestine agents. Team 6 is a reference used by civilian outsiders, their internal name is unknown outside the CIA. Apparently created during the cold war, their initial name of Team 6 was created to confuse the Russians as there were only two other teams and the handle stuck.

safe to say Seal Team 6 > MBA > CFA

Things will never change…we will still keep giving aid to Pakistan to buy more arms from us.

So let’s see for a minute: less than two weeks before bin Laden was killed this thread about Spy agencies came out of the blue. What a coincidence, or is it? Trust nobody.