just found that Ethics is the hardest one, the question set can be really tough, tricky and time consuming. lots of times I got 3/6, which is really scary it is rediculous!! what is your toughest section guys?
I would suggest reading the actual handbook - NOT Schweser. The quesitons are actually pretty straight forward compared to the Handbook - they go over many weird situations at length.
wangta01 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would suggest reading the actual handbook - NOT > Schweser. The quesitons are actually pretty > straight forward compared to the Handbook - they > go over many weird situations at length. Haha yea, I actually get a kick out of these.
Emerging markets - hands down
Derivatives, no bout a doubt it (which is funnny, because about 80% of it I know cold - the other 20% is almost like I never read it).
yes, there are other hard topics; but ethics is so important, and you will sure see 2 sets on the exam; and if you fail these 2, the perspective is not good at all for sure
Ethics for me too. I am going to work real hard on Ethics for the next 2 days to secure those 12 points.
ethics kill me… its so subjective and i have been flunking,… i did the 70-80 questions in the book and was scoring about 75%. I am going to try reading the handbook (the examples at least)… maybe that will clear it up… i dont wanna miss the free points… Derivatives is the hardest still tho hoping for 50-70
it seems we are all still working hard guys god bless us!
CFAdreams Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ethics kill me… its so subjective and i have been > flunking,… i did the 70-80 questions in the book > and was scoring about 75%. I am going to try > reading the handbook (the examples at least)… > maybe that will clear it up… i dont wanna miss > the free points… > > Derivatives is the hardest still tho hoping > for 50-70 Which book? CFAI book?
cfai book
I’m always over 90% on ethics and I haven’t really studied it since level 1. However, I read it numerous times for level 1 knowing that the pass/fail comes down to your ethics score when you get around a 65-70%. I found the emerging markets material to be difficult until I read a post recently where Aimee described the key points in detail and I then spent 2-3 hours going over the example in Schweser. Right now, I’m finding swaps to be the most difficult and I’m spending this evening on that section alone.