Most important upper body exercise?

Ha, I wish! It’s been the opposite for me – the longer I’ve been doing them, the more I grew to hate them… I prefer the deep lounges or the bridge instead.

since its upper body I say…Motorboating

tongue extension and jaw stretches

I’m not reading this whole thread, but I’m guessing none of you got it right. The most important upper body exercise is the lat pull down, with a violent, backwards jerking motion of the torso accompanying a pull of the bar to within 8-10 inches of your chest. Ideally this exercise is performed with the whole rack on the cable in sets of 1 or 2 reps, and is finished by loudly dropping the weights, using gravity to pull you to the proper standing rest position.



(Credit to STL)

I litterally ripped my arse out of my shorts last night at the gym. It was super embarassing until I realised that i was atg 150kg.

What do you guys wear at the gym? As homo as it sounds i’m tempted by some spandex.

I call bull on atg at 150 kg (330 pounds).

Nike shorts have been my go-to for a long time and have never failed

I can do 150 pounds ATG. Not that hard.

Does brain count as upper body?

i weigh 95kg… so 150kg isn’t unrealistic. If ur some weedy 70kg sprout then 150kg is quite a lot.

I can do 150lbs with 1 leg

It’s not unrealistic, atg at that weight is the tough part.

I wear spandex when squating, i hate the resistance in the knees when wearing sweats or long shorts.

you hit legs, thats all that matters. the saying, the saddest thing in life is wasted talent doesnt go far enough, it should specify the saddest thing in life is a woman w no ass who has the potential.

savage. i like it.