Most unusual question asked by a stranger on the street

Apparently when you own a pug dog you belong to this secret society where by you can just roll up in a car to some other pug person walking their pug and begin having a totally strange conversation about your dogs. I have had this done to me while I was out walking my little guy. I have RUN up to random people in the middle of the woods and exclaimed how I love how Mikey’s paws smell like chinese food… and they tell me about how their Winston always eats so fast that he barfs it up and eats it again. Then we are both like …awwww… and it is totally cool.

When I was college, I had a guy who caught me by surprise… ran up on me and asked me loudly and quickly “Do you believe in our lord and savior Jesus Christ?!”

I said meh, I guess, sure why not? And he starts asking me, what church I go to… and I tell this guy I have to go to class; you know where the ____ building is? He tells me, I thank him, and walk away.

So are you saying that complimenting a man’s shoes is some sort of gay code?

I heard it was all in the eye contact, ain’t that right Supyogov?

Not an odd question but it caught me off guard…

Out chilling in the park a few weeks ago before it got cold. Walked passed a homeless dude and he asked me if I knew what sandwiches the deli next door was serving today. I panicked and replied, “I don’t know. I’m not eating carbs right now.”

He looked so confused.

Strangers on the street (or strangers in general) don’t ask me anything. The people at the mall food court handing out chicken teriyaki samples don’t even offer them to me when I walk past. I guess I look like I kill random people who dare to engage me.

Things that have happened to me on the street, public transit, or other public places:

I was wearing leather pants on the subway about 10 years ago and a woman asked me if I was a rock star (not a specific one, just a general one). It was asked in all seriousness, which is what made it weird to me. I wear leather pants about once a year, usually on Halloween or when it’s bitterly cold outside and windy so the leather helps to keep warm.

I was walking in Hoboken and people were pointing at me from across the street saying “Hey! It’s that guy from ‘The Office,’ look it’s that guy from the office.” That happened a few times, but this was the loudest and most obvious.

I was walking to a comedy open mic rehearsal and an AFer ran up and said “bchad, hey bchad! I recognize you and I’m on AF too.”

I was leaving a bar after just walking in and Linda Evangelista asked me to stay and have a drink with her. Unfortunately I was depressed about something and didn’t feel my conversation skills were going to be up to snuff so I said no. About 2 minutes later I realized that it wasn’t just any super attractive woman, but it was too late. Also, I had mistaken Ms. Evangelista for an attractive hostess and had asked her if she had a menu only moments before.

I’m sure there are some even weirder stories I can come up with - like the time itera and I got drunk together - but I can’t remember them right now.

One evening I was walking down a street in San Francisco which I later learned is referred to as “the tenderloin.” Two women of color were standing on the corner. One said “hey baby, you want a piece of this?”, to which I reply “no thanks” and continue on my way. As I am strolling off her friend yells, “what you scared of? She already pregnant!” I suppose that must be a deal sweetener for some people.

There is some kind of Jewish truck on Park Avenue sometimes - I am not sure what they do, selling books or something. Some people here probably know what I am talking about. They play music and have those guys with the broad hats. Anyway, they ask people “are you Jewish?”, and if so, they try to talk to you about what they are doing. Anyway, they ask me this question, which is unusual because I don’t look like I could be Jewish at all. I guess it is positive that they are blind to race.

There are some Chinese Jews in Western China I have heard. They supposedly came after the destruction of the second temple by the Romans and some of them settled in China, though presumably the Chinese imperial borders waxed and waned to include them. Over thousands of years some of them intermarried and they now look pretty Chinese.

Those guys get to celebrate New Years Day three times per year: Gregorian New Year, Chinese New Year, and Jewish New Year.

Though it is more likely that the person was just trying to prove they are extra vigilant about getting Jews to start praying again. If you tell them you are Jewish, they will try to guilt you into praying some Torah section with them. They’re kinda like Mormons but less physically attractive (on average). Mormons at least have the idea that you get attractive women to convert men and attractive men to convert women, which works better.

italians come up to me and talk to me as if i am italian. they call me cousin and talk about soccer and their family, usually their nona. i usually play along for a while but when i tell them i’m scottish and call soccer players pussies, they lose interest.

i also have been asked if i could score some weed a bunch of times. gotta love growing up in browntown. apparently skinny italian looking guys know where the weed is at.

i was groped by a bunch of street walkers in bacelona and asked if i wanted to go to the bathroom and make a baby

gringo thats right bro. That reach around of yours is totally straight.

I was walking in Manaus and a woman came up to show me some photos of herself and wanted my opinion on which ones I liked best.

The first was her on a boat.

The second was her on the beach (a river beach).

The third was her on a jet ski.

The fourth was her on some balcony with a nice overview.

The fifth was her nude standing in a hotel room.

The sixth was her nude on a bed…

She was looking to be my date while I was in town, and apparently she followed me to my cheap hotel and then camped out the next day to find when I would leave.

They call those women “piranhas” for a reason, I guess…

I thought the code was to run your hand under the bathroom stall divider. Also, is it common for gays to un-gay themselves?

According to the Vice President it is

you realise that football aka soccer is the national sport of Scotland?

Vice President-elect. Have some respect for Uncle Joe.

C’mon man, those type of women wouldn’t bother with someone staying a cheap hotel. And yet, you would have understood this too, so let’s hear the rest of the story.

soccer is basically the national sport over everywhere except canada and india. also, i thought golf was the national sport of scotland. also, scottish heritage clearly, not natural born scottish.

is it common for you to be this oblivious to a woman’s interest? it’s a sickness. not a good feeling when you realize after the fact that you were being hit on and you were too dumb to realize it at the time.

I once had a chick walk up to me and ask if my butt is really real. I guess she thought I had a huge ass.