Motivation vs Discipline

Get Disciplined.

This is actually quite relevant for me right now. Coming off a very slackful (word?) football and holiday season, getting back into the groove of CFA studying is not coming easy, I have the attention span of a fly and find myself getting distracted by everything (what I’m doing now in fact).

Just trying to take things in small increments as I build up to longer chunks but it’s actually quite jarring how undisciplined I’ve become in a matter of 6 months. Yesterday I put all my social media apps into one bucket and onto the back of my phone. Now I should probably delete the AF bookmark. Lol.

This was a nice read. I dont have the greatest discipline, and have studied a bit for L2 but need to ramp it up as I have planned for months. Took some adderall last weekend and put in about 10-12 hours and got through 1/2 of FRA, plan on the same this week. Can feel myself getting back into the studying groove which is nice.

I find the post generally Sisyphean, and have at times tried to push myself to a similar thought pattern as it was something I knew needed to be done, the misery was unavoidable, and I just needed to get through it.

This is one of the best threads I’ve read on Reddit. Motivation in a nutshell very vague and doesn’t lead to better results because it doesn’t tell you what and how to get things done. You cheer up for a moment reading somebody’s experience or watching a movie like pursuit of happiness. So get disciplined and spend less time on AF lol.

Good points, overall I agree with the thread. A lot of workout plans are built around getting motivated to have a beach body, etc. I think that kind of motivation is superficial and bound to fail. The focus needs to be more on shedding the weakness in favor of discipline being excited about a goal will only get you so far. I always figure I know when I’ve worked hard enough to succeed when visualizing it feels less like winning something and more like something that is due to me for the work and discipline that had been put in. For instance, when I started the CFA, picturing myself with the charter seemed so exciting. When I finished my prep for each level, it just felt like something that was owed to me.

When I was in college, I played some guitar but never practiced enough to be really good. I was talking to a friend who was a great jazz guitarist about his discipline and he argued more that it was lack of discipline. He loved playing guitar to the degree that that was all he wanted to be doing at any given point. He’d rather be doing that than playing video games or watching TV or in some cases going out for the night, so it was often a lack of discipline that led him to practice so much.

There’s a link that leads to a blog.

Part 2:

TLDR; small steps, do tasks deliberately, meditate.

thanks for sharing…