Moving from Product Control

Hi all,

Just wanted to ask everyone out there where they feel the routes are from moving from what is a back office dead-end job like product/business control to something more exciting in the front office.

I have outlined a number of routes and want to gauge what people’s perceptions are;

  • into Sales (using PC skills such as analysis and commentary on market movements and understanding the pricing of products through close interaction with the valuations risk team. I see a link between being in tune with the markets as a commentator and using your specific knowledge of the area of PC you may work in (eg. fixed income) to be an effective relationship builder in Sales i.e. helping your clients understand what is going on in the markets, what to buy and when to buy it)

  • into Research (again similar skills to above, but pitching mainly your writing skills and analytical abitilities as a controller and reporter of risk attribution)

  • into Trading (PC skills of understanding the markets, trading strategies, understanding the greeks/risk, understanding valuation of products to an extent)

  • as a buy/sell side portfolio analyst or junior portfolio manager (PC skills of understanding trading strategies, valuation of products, risk, specific sector e.g. emerging markets)

there are. it typically involves a top MBA program in the middle.

Direct transitions are rare.