MSNBC is a Joke

2chainz appears on MSNBC tonight. Wow. MIght as well get your news from a comedian on comedy central, o wait, most MSNBC watchers do.

MSNBC has become Fox news for the left, maybe into something worse because at least Fox has eye candy. This should have been abundantly clear once they put on Al Sharpton as a host…

The big difference between Fox News and MSNBC is Fox actually makes good television. Please note I didn’t say good news, but they do manage to entertain their audience. MSNBC just sucks on every level.

I suspect his appearance has something to do with this:

Just before midnight on August 21, 2013, Epps’ [2chainz] tour bus was pulled over in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, because the passenger side taillights were out. The arresting officer reported that he smelled marijuana and saw smoke through the open door of the bus after he had stopped and pulled over the bus. The driver of the bus shut the door and told officers he was not authorized to allow them on the bus. The officer said the marijuana smell gave him probable cause to search, but the driver refused to open the door. After many attempts to enter, the bus was towed with the men still aboard to the police training center in Oklahoma City. Officers obtained a search warrant and the 10 men, including Epps, got off the bus. Police discovered two semi-automatic pistols and a 12-gauge pump shotgun, along with some prescription painkillers and marijuana residue, on the tour bus according to papers filed Oklahoma County District Court.

I’m guessing they’ll focus on the marijuana residue and not the guns though. Probably some talk of illegal search and seizure as well.

MSNBC is probably desperate to not talk about Syria because their guy isn’t looking very good.