Multiplying interest rate x e^(x) on Binomial Interest Rate trees

Can someone post the steps involved in taking a binomial interest rate tree’s rate (say at the bottom) and finding the rate 2 nodes above it (or below)? Struggling to find an example right now…

Let’s say the interest rate is 1%. And the node we’re looking for is 1 above and 2 above at t=2.

1% x e^(2)

1% x e^(4)

How do I enter this into the calculator?

You will need the interest rate volatility as well. Let’s assume it is 15% per annum (and your interest rate tree has an annual interval).

If the interest rate in the bottom node is 1%, then the node directly above it will be:

1% x exp(2 x 0.15)

And the 2nd node above the node in the bottom will be:

1% x exp(4 x 0.15)

If you are using your Texas BA II, then it will be:

2 x 0.15 = [2ND] [LN] x 1

4 x 0.15 = [2ND] [LN] x 1

Ah - I see now. Basically have to key it in backwards. That’s where I was getting tripped up.

Thank you fino!