Muslims/terrorism in Europe

I think dropping the nukes on Japan probably did save lives in the long run. Hitler was dead over two months at that stage and the Japanese were still not quitting even though they knew 100% that the war was lost.

Also arguable that the nuclear deterrent has saved many lives since. No two countries with nuclear weapons have ever gone to war. USA/USSR and India/Pakistan probably would have already if not for nukes.

They’ve done cultural factorization studies and found the US to be more culturally diverse, particularly vs the axis of Europe. Basically a form of study where you model what the odds are that if you randomly select two people they fit within the same cultural background. All Europe has is a bunch of languages something like 20 official languages. While its entertaining to watch their lack of common sense turn the Eurozone into modern tower of babel the US contains 350 spoken languages as well from every cultural background in the world (but with the sense to pick one officially) and was founded from scratch with this melting pot.

The US could defeat Japan without it, but then would not have an ideal opportunity (and credibility) to try out a brand new mass- annihilation weapon. These stories of saving many lives tell to the children.

and just reminder, one nuke wasnt enough to send a message. we had to drop 2 to make a point. and the alternative was fire bombings which killed as much as the first atom bomb but obviously took more work for us. so from a convenience and cost standpoint this was a better deal for us. anyways if i had to choose how to die between the two, i would prefer the atom bomb over the fire bombing any day! much quicker!

on healthcare, its like throwing good money at a bad investment. so fiscally it does not make sense to do so. ethically though, is a whole different story. if say a bum gets cancer, he’ll prolyl need 150k per year, should the public shoulder that cost to prolong his life so that we can spend more to keep his bare necessities (UBI, welfare, food stamps)? personally i would say no.

Clearly another muggle with no history background. In every island we took, the locals were fed propaganda about the approaching white devils. There are countless documented cases of villagers either fighting to the death with pitchforks and tools and refusing to surrender or throwing themselves and their children off cliffs. It was a culturally different war. These people viewed the emperor as a god and actually believed they would be unable to look at him, hence the forced parade where he was driven around in a convertible in Tokyo after surrender. Even with the atomic bombs the military complex refused to surrender and attempted a coup in the final hours that was narrowly defeated internally. We dropped two because the military complex refused to surrender after one.

Every piece of evidence pointed to the fact that invading the densly populated homeland would have resulted in as many as a million casualties particularly on the civilian side. Many Americans even don’t understand the severity of the fighting over there (Rape of Nanking, treatment of prisoners, a US aircrew was vivisected without anesthetic, millions of civilians in Asia killed, soldiers found with genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths, etc). Some of the island fighting made the European Theater look like childs play. Obvious move was obvious.

With the Old Breed and the Fall of Japan are good books on this topic.

But yeah, homeland invasion would have gone real well…

Suicide Cliff is a cliff above Marpi Point Field near the northern tip of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, which achieved historic significance late in World War II.

Also known as Laderan Banadero , it is a location where thousands of Japanese civilians and soldiers committed suicide by jumping to their deaths in 1944 in order to avoid capture by the United States, as Japanese propaganda emphasized brutal treatment of Japanese such as American mutilation of Japanese war dead. Many Japanese feared the ‘American devils raping and devouring Japanese women and children.’[2] The precise number of suicides there is not known, but has been estimated at around 8,000 deaths.[3] A contemporary correspondent, praising their actions as ‘the finest act of the Shōwa period’, described them as ‘the pride of Japanese women.’[4]

I do not trust in your fairy tales. I can tell you more in addition but have decided to keep my opinion

Lol, there are Japanese newspaper accounts about this.

Back on Topic. Muslim (or any other terrorist) are not the threat in America? OP believes that is only insecure on European territory. If so, OP probably has a cognitive disorder.

If UK had the bomb, they would have dropped it too. They just did not have the planes, ships, money, or oil to attack Japan.

And Nazis too. What is in common?

One really wasn’t enough. Japan was so opposed to surrendering that when the Emperor prepared a surrender speech, the military attempted a coup to destroy the recording to they could continue the war. Google “Kyujo incident.” If the U.S. had invaded, the death tolls would have exceeded the deaths from the bombings.

triggered much?

Also, it’s cute that Americans think Brits gave a s hit about american independence. was pretty low priority

That’s war. Everyone who participates kills people and blows up sht, so can’t point fingers. Especially not when it is you ally who saved you.

The US education system has a lot to answer for.

You do know that the Brits were so upset that they lost in 1776 that they started a second war of independence in 1812, right?

Colonial officer defending flag from invading British force during the Battle of Saratoga [1777 colorized]

Related image

Unfortunately mine area was not deliberated by Yankees than by Soviets and local communists, fyi.

You mean that small part of the Napoleonic Wars?

War is hell.