I thought this would be a great forum to poll members for what we think the must-read investor letters. I’ll start with some of the obvious: Bill Gross, PIMCO: http://www.pimco.com/EN/Insights/Pages/InvestmentOutlookOverview.aspx Jeremy Grantham, GMO: https://www.gmo.com/America/MyHome/ Not quite must-read, but I really like John Hussman’s stuff at Hussman Funds: http://hussmanfunds.com/index.html Other suggestions? I know someone’s going to suggest Warren Buffet, and possibly Bill Miller, but I’ll let them do it.
Nice idea Bchad. How about putting manager name, your own description of what the manager does, and link? I started to put a post with the ones I love but work just got busy. I’ve got at least 3 or 4 I can think of, I’ll post later.
I used to work for MSSB and I really liked their monthly “On The Markets” https://www.morganstanleysmithbarney.com/contentmanagement/pdf/onthemarkets.pdf
John Mauldin and The Gartman Letter if you can get it
Gartman letter is a must, especially in this commodity era.
Huge fan of the work that Clare Barnes does at Apollo Asia fund - value-focused hedge fund in Southeast Asia and Japan. Some days I feel like she may be the most slept-on exceptional manager I’ve ever heard of. http://apolloinvestment.com/features.htm Seth Klarman’s (Baupost Group) letters, though they’re much harder to obtain. Here are some: http://www.hedgefundletters.com/category/baupost-group/ Marty Whitman’s letters can be very good when he gets into case study type stuff. I enjoy hearing about some of the special situation/distressed stuff they do: http://www.thirdavenuefunds.com/ta/products-mutual-funds.aspx
Bank Credit Analyst Gary Schilling
John Paulson’s letter is good
- Michael Moubassim on Strategy from LMCM https://www.lmcm.com/default.asp?P=868060 2. Robert Rodrigues FPA funds - http://www.fpafunds.com/crescentfund_historical_index.asp 3. Long leaf partners, Mason Hawkins - http://www.longleafpartners.com/funds/partners_reports.cfm 4. Paul kedrosky - http://paul.kedrosky.com/ 5. Damodaran blog - http://www.aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/ 6. From GMO - Lawrence Cunnigham, James Montier, Arjun Divecha 7. Berkshire annual letter 8. Eddie lampert annual letter 9. Frank Martin at Martin capital management - http://www.mcmadvisors.com/annual-reports.php
supersadface Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Huge fan of the work that Clare Barnes does at > Apollo Asia fund - value-focused hedge fund in > Southeast Asia and Japan. Some days I feel like > she may be the most slept-on exceptional manager > I’ve ever heard of. > http://apolloinvestment.com/features.htm > > Seth Klarman’s (Baupost Group) letters, though > they’re much harder to obtain. Here are some: > http://www.hedgefundletters.com/category/baupost-g > roup/ > > Marty Whitman’s letters can be very good when he > gets into case study type stuff. I enjoy hearing > about some of the special situation/distressed > stuff they do: > http://www.thirdavenuefunds.com/ta/products-mutual > -funds.aspx Thanks for that!
Almost forgot: Leucadia Corp Annual report Cumming/Steinberg http://www.leucadia.com/toc_c-p_letters.html
FFH report is good So is SHLD.
Kyle Bass
How can you have a must-read investor letter list and not include Howard Marks/Oaktree? You should all be ashamed of yourselves… I try to read anything Bill Ackman/Pershing Square publishes as well.
I think the letters from john burbank at passport capital are excellent, especially if you like investment themes and/or commodities. Echo the howard marks too.
Howard Marks is a must…but he stop writing recently for his book.
Gluskin Sheff
Gluskin Sheff is OK for a long-term perspective. Any time horizon less than 3 years, however, and you are likely to lose money listening to Mr. Rosenberg. Never trust a permabear who changes his mind when he is consistently wrong about the market recovery for 12-18 months. Capitulation has a price.
supersadface Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Huge fan of the work that Clare Barnes does at > Apollo Asia fund - value-focused hedge fund in > Southeast Asia and Japan. Some days I feel like > she may be the most slept-on exceptional manager > I’ve ever heard of. > http://apolloinvestment.com/features.htm Her website is very Berkshire-esque … is there any way to get e-mail notification when she posts an update?
CPierce Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > supersadface Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Huge fan of the work that Clare Barnes does at > > Apollo Asia fund - value-focused hedge fund in > > Southeast Asia and Japan. Some days I feel > like > > she may be the most slept-on exceptional > manager > > I’ve ever heard of. > > http://apolloinvestment.com/features.htm > > Her website is very Berkshire-esque … is there > any way to get e-mail notification when she posts > an update? None at all unless you’re an investor (I’m not - her fund is closed). Mark it in your outlook calendar; it is always worth reading. Minimum of one letter per quarter, but she occasionally puts up her musings on specific topics a little more frequently than that.