My 9 pointers-passing all 3 levels in 1st attempt

Level III -

1)START READING EARLY… that’s a big advantage…because in the end, time will always be short…if sat is an off please study rigourously on sat and sun as with daily workload u will not be that focussed…It is a big sacrifice of social life for 3 years but believe me…it is worth it and without that sacrifice i haven’t come across anyone who made it that easily…be clear before you commit for the exams

2)practice blue box questions and EOC questions from CFA text…you can’t miss them…they are more difficult in some cases than schweser… Mark the blue box and EOC which you feel are difficult…I had done twice all the difficult blue box, EOC and chapters which I felt were difficult…This was possible as i had started early

3)please make notes from the start…dont rely on anyone else notes…you will always have your own specific key points and difficulties which you would like to keep revising…taking notes ensures that you revise your difficult sections again and again until you become a pro at it

  1. Practice exams and mock papers are a must which should be done in the last 45 days… Also, practicing schewer CD questions- only 10 questions every day 5 months before exam or 35 questions on sat and sun, gives you a deeper understanding of the concepts and easily gets you to solve 1000 questions before you even start practise exams and mock…

5)Remember there are no shortcuts…the more you practice the more you will be prepared.

  1. Don’t panic when you see difficult questions on analystforum which you cant solve…there are lot of difficult topics in Levl II and III,knowing everything would be difficult…but not missing what you have read and practised properly will give you advantage…

  2. please don’t completely ignore a subject …you may get a difficult question in the topic area which you may be confident while a topic which you may have ignored can have a very simple question

  3. Please solve the AM paper for Level III reverse way…that way I was very conscious of Time management as I had to reach the start in 3 hours…If you don’t know for god sake don’t waste time and bluff…you will need more time on topics which you know well to write in detail…if you can;t get the solution in the time alloted leave it and move ahead…if you save some time you can always come back and solve it

9)On the exam day between breaks do not discuss the paper… you anyways need all the leftover energy and focus to solve the PM paper…discussing cant help you to pass…

All the best and do well…