My L3 Notes Thus Far.

These notes seem to be rising in popularity as test day approaches. Maybe I should get in on this, as well. All I have to is post my personal/private e-mail address on a public Web site with a fair amount of traffic.

Seems reasonable.


While these notes are awesome, i was wondering if there has been any updates made to these?

I received the notes in Dec 2017, if there are any updates kindly send it to

Thanks in advance!

If anyone could send the notes to me at, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for putting those notes together!

Would also be very grateful.

Thanks a million

Extremely appreciative of this … I can’t access the link. Would you mind sharing via email?

Good luck ya’ll!

I would be extremely grateful for these notes if anyone could kindly send them to


I would be really grateful if you could send it on I’ve been pretty lazy with making notes this year so this would really help!!


I’d be so grateful if you could send me a copy of your notes:

I’ve been forced to travel for work this last year and could really use your help to finally get the charter.

Thank you for the great work,


Hi mates,

Has anyone received these notes? I would like them also. My e-mail is

I guess it would be easier from someone already having them to create a link that we can download.

Hi dymke09,

I would also appreciate it if you can send me your notes. email:

Thank you.

Anyone here that has the notes and can forward to me? I’ll send my e-mail in PM. Very much appreciated!

Hi! do you mind sharing the notes with me as well? The link does not seem to be active. Thanks!!


In addition to your private e-mail address, I hear he responds even faster if you can also provide your mailing address, SSN, mother’s maiden name and the exact spelling of the street you grew up on.


Hi dymke09, could you send it to thank you so much in advance :+1:

Instead of posting email addresses here to no avail, I contacted Dymke on Reddit (Where he originally posted the notes) and he was kind enough to upload them again:

Hi Louter,

Great job. Well done!

I’d really appreciate these notes.

(There’s a *direct link* to these notes 2 posts above your request…)

“And we’ll be right back with THE NEXT WAVE OF INSIGHTFUL FINANCIAL ANALYSTS after these messages”


Hi, Thank you so much for notes. I am unable to open the link. could you please share the notes to

Hey dymke09, can you send me too. My emails is

Thanks a million