my thoughts on Finquiz & a question for retakers

I have been studying from CFAI, no schweser and no solving from CFAI yet (saving for later). Solving from Finquiz so far and here are my thoughts: 1. questions are mostly definitions, no solving (only done 150 so far) 2. questions delve into details in the material that a normal reader would not pick up or consider important Now, while im appreciating that finquiz is helping drill concepts in my head, im concerned that it is not close or similiar to what the exam is like. Reminded me of L1 exam though. Retakers: did the exam have definitions or were the vignettes built on the fact that you should know the definitions so well that when weaving different topics, you solve based on ur ability to synthesize? Basically, i think finquiz is too easy, exam cant look like that. If i memorize the books i will score 100% on finquiz style questions, and i have a feeling that L2 is about synthesis. Thoughts? Anyone besides mitchels have any reactions to finquiz? Thank you

The drilling of concepts considered unimportant works in your favor in the long run. Ignoring them, not drilling them enough causes you to spend time trying to recall those concepts. So do not ignore them. I used FinQuiz for the 2010 exam - and I did find that it helps tie out concepts together. Any source that does that, is useful, in my mind.

are you an L3 candidate? and thank you for the quick response

yes I am

Good for you :slight_smile:

what materials did u use? CFAI?

2009 - failed band 9. 2010 - used CFAI + EOC with Finquiz. Also had stalla but used very sparingly. and passed. CFAI does take time, but you will see a recurring theme thro’ the chapters which tells you what they expect you to know, and with what level of detail. So going thro’ the books and doing the hard grind helps a lot… Of course, with such a vast curriculum you never are sure of whether you have done enough, but there is only so much you can do.

thank you very much, yyou are always very helpful. interesting points. will see how it pans out. Gluck with L3

I think i’m going to get my hands on finzquiz as well. I have one more book left to read and do EOC for but there are a lot of things I highlighted that i won’t remember. I figure if Finquiz + CFA EOC a second time around will help a lot.

agreed. first timer meazza?

Second timer. I used only Schweser and bombed on my first attempt.

CPK, Do you think Schweser Q bank will be as helpful as finquiz? So far, Schweser Q bank helped me in recalling basic concepts. I am primarily using CFA text and EOC only. Thanks,

I’m a retaker and ordered FinQuiz today. Not going to pay for Schweser again…need to try something a bit different this time around. Am also thinking about trying the BSAS question bank and mock exam.

BSAS question bank and mocks are not as good, in my opinion. They were good for level I, but not as much for Level II.

I’m sitting in June as a retaker and I certainly didn’t find schweser to be good for LII, the vignettes where ridiculouslly long, there were too many short q’s either… I’m doing use FinQuiz and Stalla Qbank this time around… but just drill on CFA book primarily…

I’ve been using FinQuiz for a few days now. I see the value in how they dig down into definitions and other small details that can easily be missed when you go through the curriculum, but am really kinda shocked at the atrocious quality of the editing. For every 10 questions you do, it seems there are two or three that have grammatical errors or typos. My favorite so far is “value-assed” instead of “value-added”. Even more disturbing is when they indicate you got a question wrong, then give you the “right” answer and it corresponds word for word with what you had originally chosen. This has happened only a few times in more than 200 questions so far, but when it does occur, it makes you question their overall accuracy. So say what you want about QBank…at least it was decently edited…

Yes. I agree. They definitely need an editor.

mitchells, i got my eye on you

any thoughts on the quality of the Finquiz mock exams?

It was brutal. Very tough questions.