is that I am brain washed by the schweser or what ever practice exams I have done. Once I get on the spot, if all i see are questions that I have never farmiliarized myself with. I will freak out. I know there won’t be exact the same questions, but I expect something at least similar
if thats the case, have a look at the online CFAI exams…they are of different nature to schweser…also see if you can grab hold of the BSAS prac exams
Bluey, what’s BSAS exam? I hear so many of you mention about it. Does it really help?
its a practise exam that was offered by many different CFA societies a couple weeks ago… its written by the Boston Security Analysts Society… somone on the forums (cant remember who) offered a PDF file of last years exam its helpful in that the style of questions are markedly different from schweser