Nearly half of women in relationships have 'Plan B' man, higher % if Married

I thought this thread was going to be about morning after birth control pills.

"The work I live by and teach reminds me daily that I have a choice about who I want to be in the middle of my struggle. Deny what is happening inside of me, and I set myself up for a fall.

Tell the truth, and I make way for love.

So I shared it with Nige. All of it. It was hard. I felt swamped with shame. But I did it anyway. I probably saved my marriage in the process, and I’ll do it again if I have to.

I want to cheat on my husband some days.

But I want to know him, and to be known by him, more than I want to prove my fears right."

What the fuck is this crap?

Sounds like someone wants to live a romance novel.

Sometimes if there’s not enough drama in a person’s life, they arrange to create some.

That chart needs to show the guy at the top being taller than the others… :-p

@krnyc - clearly, after la Revolution, males don’t need to chase females. Duh. Girls just fall all over themselves and into BSDs’ laps.

Umm, yeah.

Someone recommended me this book: “Is There Anything Good About Men?” by Roy F. Baumeister.

I read a quick summary and found the following interesting:

“Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men…Most men who ever lived did not have descendants who are alive today. Their lines were dead ends…Throughout the entire history of the human race, 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced.”

I guess actor Jude Law is doing more than his part. He now has 5 children with 3 different women.

A statistic I like to point out (though admittedly I have not confirmed it, perhaps it’s just a non-urban legend) is that in much of the animal kingdom, fewer than 10% of males ever mate, wheras over 90% of females that reach reproductive age do.

Most males are beaten off or killed by other males in the competition for reproduction (and sometimes by unwilling females themselves, since female choice is key to evolution too).

When people say “men can’t help their sexual urges,” I tend to agree… we can try to control them, but we can never truly eliminate them the way many feminists like to argue. Because if mating is something that is likely to get you killed, an (economically) rational being would most likely not even try. Yet the perpetuation of the species requires it, and so those who do reproduce likely evolved something that short-circuits rational decision-making processes.

This is why men do all sorts of dumb things like have affairs that they think they can keep quiet. Get involved with hookers when you’re governor. Run off to Argentina when you’re governor. Have a mistress when you’re the majority whip of a Christian coalition party, etc.

And probably women have a similar mechanism that overrrules their rational decision making. Letting a big male have access to your intimate parts is inherrently dangerous on many levels. If the species is going to propagate. Something has to convince the female to let a guy do that. And that mechanism predates alcohol.


We have been taught wrong. Copulation is much more than merely the procreation of the species. Much more.

Kindly replace" taller" with “more well hung”.


The Schlong Institute