Need a Ruling - Briefcases

Ha ha. No. Just that his dad had the boxy case, my dad had the upright lawyer/professor case, and we both ended up preferring the cases that our dads liked.

A bowler hat would be the perfect complement for the suspenders and that briefcase.

Now I can’t get that Nina Simone song from the Thomas Crown Affair out of my head.

Solid movie!

This. Bgachad is my brotha from another mother.

Respectfully, I’d disagree. I can’t claim 100% correlation with getting l@id based on the type of bag you carry, but I will say that women like men. Men with money and power. They don’t want a guy rocking a purse as big as theirs, but a guy with an armored briefcase, now that’s endearing!

OMG no… it’s so ugly!

only the middle aged men would carry that on the train.

it’s okay to use soemthing with a bit more flare, no?

I would maybe do a briefcase if I was dressed up all the way formal, 3 piece suit but anything less than that isn’t formal enough for a briefcase imo.