Need fashion help

I’m still trying to figure out–what’s the matter with pleated pants? I don’t like flat front. It looks too hipster/frat boy to me.

Same as what KK said. I’m actually wearing Cole Haan brown shoes right now. They’re my business casual shoe of choice. But, if I’m meeting with clients I’ll throw on my To Boot New York brown shoes. I actually only own one pair of black shoes and only wear them when I’m meeting with older clients (and espeically execs), finals presentations, or going to formal events.

Most of my clients are business casual these days anyway. After I meet them for the first time, I rarely even wear a suit. They actually give me shit for it.

And let me guess, being Irish is not acceptable?

So you literally only have black shoes?

being irish is definitely acceptable. they’re great craic.

For work I only have black shoes.

Pleated pants are out of style, and have been for a while now.


Do your shoes have square toes?

pleated pants have more fabric and fit baggier, it’s just not a flattering look. they are more reminiscent of the 90’s style when shirts and pants would have twice as much fabric needed and looks incredibly boxy and baggy when it falls on an average person - think of original fit brooks brothers shirts, i mean who can honestly fill out one of those shirts?

Yeah, I like Brooks Brothers but I have to get everything tailored, which is a pain and makes an already expensive shirt even more so.

I came to the conclusion that BB is built to fit rich old white guys who are generally of the round type.

^ thats my conclusion too.

I buy their slim fit lines and they fit much better.

50% off Winter sale on their website and in retail stores (no outlets) right now. FYI.

Was that actually ever a question?

Good looks, though the website looks like slim pickings unless you’re super tiny or super fat.

Ah, good to know, though I wouldn’t be ordering online anyway with the CAD at 1.39ish to the USD. Might just hop over to the store during lunch

I refresh my wardrobe at the beginning of every year such that I can place an order with my tailor in the winter and have clothes ready for the spring. I’m focusing more on business casual this year, with more of an emphasis on casual than business since that is the direction my firm is moving towards. Anyone have any particular opinions on good looks, styles, colors, etc. for the spring? I found a few pictures that seem to match the basic-but-trendy look I’m going for:

where have you been I<3I<3math…

Trust me on this one.

Here’s another one of my staples.

looks very sharp…a nice watch should help also

i got some inspiration from here for this season

Slack Power was my favorite.

Oh please please please tell me you are a grown man who wears a football jersey in public. That would be the icing on the cake.