Net Pension Expense, PBO, Plan Assets

…I am getting conflicting listings : Who can list for me 1. Elements of the Net pension expense 2. PBO - elements that add/subtract beginning PBO to result in the ending PBO? 3. Plan Assets - elemens that add/subtract to begining plan assets to result in ending plan assets

Pension Expense: Service Cost + Interest Cost + Return on Plan Assets (most will actually use expected return which will create a deferred gain/loss that is amortized over a period of 5 years or less) Change in PBO is beginning PBO + service cost + interest cost + actuarial gain/loss - benefits paid + any adjustements due to plan ammendments (prior service costs) Change in Plan assets is the expected return on the assets + employer contributions - benefits paid +/- amortization of deferred asset gains/losses.

Reported pension expense though is offset by some comedy amortised items which escape me in part at this time - transfer from old old rule amortised - Prior service cost amortised (change in act. assumptions - Something else…

± Amortization of unrecognized Prior service costs ± Amortization of Actuarial Gains and Losses ± Amortization of Translation Gains and Losss

it gets tricky knowing whether the amortization is a plus or a minus…