Networking an old contact

Hi all,

So I noticed there is this great role that has just been posted at a company where I know someone who works there in a similar position, shes been there a while now.

I used to work with her many years ago, and havent spoken to her since (like 5 years). She is a friend on my FB and we actually used to get on well form memory, really nice and funny girl.

I just dont really know how to go about networking with her for this job. I dont want to ask her right out to put my application forward, prob not fair since I havent spoken to her in so long. Is it best I just leave it and apply?

Ask yourself how badly do you want that job.

I want it very much? I dont get your point still?

If you got a call from a friend from years ago saying “I saw this job company X and I remembered that you work there. Can tell me a bit about what your company is like and do you think you could put in a good word for me or put me in touch with the team that’s doing the search?” would you feel that the caller is out of line?

Unless its a position you are clearly unqualified for, most people dont have a problem with that. Go ahead and do it. Most people don’t mind putting in a good word for someone they know as long as they don’t have to lie about or misrepresent anything to do it. They might even get a finders fee.

ok great, thanks bchad

Agree with Bchad…nothing wrong with contacting them unless you are clearly unqualified. I keep in contact with a small group of people from my career’s past, but if a job comes up that could interest me I will contact those that I may not be as diligent at staying in touch with and have had others do the same.

If you want it bad enough, you need to be more “thick skin” and try everything within your means to get the job.


go for it.


It has been a while since we have been in touch. I hope all is well. Since I left [company where we used to work together] I have been doing [whatever you have been doing]. I see you guys are hiring for [position] I’m considering applying for the position because i think it would be a good fit for me. If you are available, I’d love to meet up with you for lunch or a drink to catch up and to get your perspective on working at this company.