New Bloomberg Website


they will change it back. before the change, i probably viewed 10-15 articles a day for the past 5 years. after the change, i’m probably at 2-3 day because i literally can’t seem to find any articles as there’s not clear grouping based on category or interest. this website makes dino websites like FP looks like a dream.

I wasn’t a regular reader before – but I like the new look.

Someone’s going to have a seizure with that.

It kind of reminds me of the Wired website. Fine for a monthly tech/lifestyle magazine, not so much for a financial news source.

As long as they send the cute Bloomberg ladies, they have my financial support.



send where? who? why?

^ You clearly don’t have a Bloomberg terminal.

Reuters sends ladies with a gift each year

Our bloomberg rep changed from a hot blond to a geeky dude. Never meet with the rep anymore.

I have had 3 different reps, 0/3 were women.

sounds like youre in a hacksaw shop. better give your 2 weeks today or find a rusty hacksaw this weekend


Its more a function of the stuff we deal with… its is a little too complicated for the female brain.

I thought about starting a thread on this same topic. I figured you would all call me a hater. Glad to see I’m the only one who hates it. I think they want to make so shitty that you have to get a terminal. used to be so good that I was happier using it than my terminal for most mundane stuff.

I agree, its really bad . the colors ( mainly the purple ) is awful . too much boxes and no clear sectrions to the news . I dont understand why they changed it. CNN and CBC also did the same this month. I guess its a New year thingy !!

An excuse to keep web designers on payroll.

Has anyone gotten used to the website yet ? I still feel it’s horrendous!

Such a mess