New hint that u Pass CFA level 3

I think we all have the same thing, the key is what does the last lettre means?

I think we all have the same thing, the key is what does the last lettre means?

mine doesnt say that; mine says ‘TNUCARU’

Mine says ‘PSSED’. Is that good?!

you guys will never quit overpressuring yourselves … :slight_smile:


Where’s this purchase curriculum page at? I go to my account, and I get the option to purchase L1, L2, and L3 curriculum. Does this mean I’m banned for two years and need to start from scratch? OMG.

don’t see you here too often, you were very active once

Yea, have been doing everything besides anything CFA-related. Don’t know about everyone else, but my brain’s completely fried after the exam. After three years and putting all my other shit on hold, the program is finally getting to me. So instead of obsessing with the forums, I lurk around now and then, and mostly do other things. Like yesterday night… was watching fvcking random flash mob videos on YouTube till 2 AM. BAM. Couldn’t imagine myself doing that during the times I was prepping for L1/2/3.

you probably don’t remember but you helped me with some questions on level 2, im not using my original account and made this one (ninja mode: ON), how did your level 3 exam go?

Mine says 3CFA14A as well

14 should be the year

It doesn’t mean anything. CFA is content to let you wait and hope, and die a little every day!

Quite frankly, you guys are idiots if you believe that such things are a preview of passing or failing, sorry. Wait until the result comes out. Why cause yourself unnecessary stress due to voodoo bullshit?

If your hand is bigger than your face, then you failed.

If you can hula-hoop while simultaneously patting your head and rubbing your stomach, then you passed.

If you can do this while reciting the second verse of “Wrecking Ball”, then you passed with all subjects > 70.

If you believe in angels, and once gave someone named Nasty Nate your cocktail fruit…then you have surely failed.

There’s nothing idiotic in using currently available information to forecast likely outcomes of future events - I don’t see how this is much different from what a Chief Economist at Nomura will probably do with US housing numbers.

Maybe, but a cursory search of these forums would tell you that this thing happens every single year, and it turns out that it has nothing to do with your results.

Yeah, and he’ll probably be wrong too. All this talk is BS that causes unnecessary stress. Happens every year. Ignore it.