New Topics

What is the best way to find out what topics are new compared to 2014? Does schweiser or anyone else provide this info?

You may want to check this:

Also check the 2014 to 2015 changes.

thanks guys. If I download the new Ebook, will it replace my old year curiculum? Id like to have both so I can compare LOS and see whats new.

No, Vital Source will treat it as a new collection.


Broadly, major topics revamp are Fixed Income changed from 2014 to 2015 and Portfolio Management changed from 2015 to 2016

I’m not too sure about the little topics - you’ll have to go find those out :slight_smile:

PM seems to have been reorganized but the overall information has not really changed much. I would know the new quant reading as I’m sure that will get tested