Next Tuesday/L1 Results

“Hope everyone passes” Thats really optimistic! I like your thinking though!

4.18 hours to go… i am anxious AF

less than 3 hours now. Interesting!


Please kindly share us your experience.

how do you feel 1 and a half hour before you get to receive your result?

i wrote a few years back and the wait is painful

Right now I feel so tensed. I can’t concentrate at work. It’s almost close of business in my country. Gosh, how can an exam make me feel like this? This has never happened.

good luck to you all

yes it is **** painful. Its 8.40pm now in my country. I have to wait for >12hours for this while awake.

same situation here. after I receive my result, pass or fail, i will still have to continue working, either I work happily or sadly.

Constantly looking at the CFAI’s twitter to see announcement of the pass rate before I check my email. I feel like such a coward. So scared of opening that mail.

did anybody received yet

**** had totally forgotten for weeks until a co-worker reminded me this morning that today is results day… not exactly being productive right now :frowning: gl all, should be any minute now right?

Cfa website not workin

why the result has not been released?

Anyone receive results? Still waiting

anyone get it yet? i am refreshing my email every 1 minute

This is quite ridiculous… they should just post it on their website on results day

This may sound ridiculous but I am not even checking my email until I get home from work. Whether I know right this minute or 9 hours or so later will make no difference. Plus I do not want to work in a bad mood and have time to possibly drink my sorrows away and or go to the gym and take out my frustration there! :). But good luck to you all!

My heart nearly burst. So exciting!