Not only do they dominate CFA exams

Has nothing to do with looks Palantir but on that note I saw a lot of trolls at the test center.

It’s not because we are smarter, but we work harder and we have tiger mums. I have a tiger mum.

White guys are genetically better at hockey. Look at who plays pro-hockey. Same with golf.

Furthermore, Russians are genetically the best chess players.

Pretty sure genetics matters in some cases. For instance, Kenyans are good runners due to genetics, since their ancestors spent all day chasing down antelopes (gazelles? zebras?). I don’t know if Asians are smart due to genetics, but I am 100% sure that culture is part of their academic achievement. Not only do they work hard on average, which increases the mean achievement level, but their parents put the most options and opportunities in front of them. So, if every ethnicity is 1/1000 hidden math genius, 1/1000 violin genius, etc. the Asian ones are most likely to be discovered and realize their potential.

Outliers - Rice paddies and math tests chapter. Asians be mathier than whiteys.

I call bullshit on this one.

Kenyans are better because they live in a mountaineous region, run up and down the hills all day and develop bigger lungs. A white boy doing the same would be just as good.

Then why don’t people from other “mountaineous” regions do as well?

Whatever. The point is they are talented runners due to genetics. The Chinese can win gold medals in diving, gymnastics, etc., but they can never win running events.

Don’t think genetics plays as important a role as conditioning.

the kenyans produce so many runners because it’s ingrained, yes but for the most part because from very young ages they start running long distances in hope to ‘make it’.

sure they can.before yao and lin they were prob too short to play basketball too right?

Anyone who thinks Asians are smarter hasn’t been to Asia.

People are the same pretty much everywhere. The difference is what your education, culture, and upbringing emphasize.

If its being an automoton devoted to one small field who repeats the same endless task over and over again then you are probably the kind of guy who belongs in a physics olympiad.

Think about how our education works in the US. K-`12 you get 1 hour of sceince per day if you are lucky. You spend an equal amount of time on history, lit, etc even if you’re real talent might be physics. This is because we emphasize being well rounded as an individual in our k-12 education.

Other cultures do not feel this way. This is why they can show up knowing all the math in the world. Cause they haven’t had to read books, learn a thing about history, or speak a foreign language. I spent more time playing varsity sports than I did studying any one subject in High School.

The Asian kids I went to school with had parents telling them to just focus on math, science, and econ. No surprise that they are pretty good at that.

In terms of dick size, Asians do have small dicks. That’s because your average asian is small. This is because of their diet. Wealthy Indians who eat a diverse and full amount of food are just as tall as anyone else more or less. I bet their dick size is similar. But by and large poor people are the size of children. Of course they have small penises.

Err, I am not going to spend time explaining statistics.

Asians are not smarter than others, but the kind of people who make it to these Olympiads are also blessed with a level of talent above normal people, and that is likely because of artificial selection of educated immigrants.

In my experience in India, and it is likely true in other Asian nations, success in school is believed to be driven by how hard you work and how serious you are about your studies, in the US, it is is different, we assume students do well because they are “smart”. In national discussions about public educations, the dialogue focuses on the teachers, but nobody talks about whether students are doing what they’re supposed to.

I think white kids would do just as well if they had parents pushing them to study from elementary school onwards. However, that usually does not happen, the white kids that do well are the ones that have taken initiative on their own.

I think culture, education and discipline explain more of the average discrepancies between Asian and non-Asian kids than genetics and epigenetics per se. There seems to be a much greater emphasis on efficieny in Asian countries than anywhere else and also Asian kids,as far as i can tell, tend not to ‘be afraid’ of science and numbers in the way some Western kids seem to. This is just anecdotal of course

I feel you man. The scariest days of my childhood were when I had to bring home my report card. So many beat downs by my dad…*nightmares*… It didn’t help that my brother was 2 years older and would consistently beat me in every class.

Growing up in an Indian household, academic excellence was an expectation, nothing less would suffice.

100% agree. I see this all the time. I remember new Indian/Chinese students joining my High School/University and while some would beat me down in Math class, most of them always fundamentally lacked creative thinking skills. It’s almost as if they had a lack of life experiences to pull inspiration from.

I’m about to make a very general statement here, just my observations in life: Education in the East is great at getting you to memorize formulas and pounding out the fundamentals, BUT education in the West is much better at making you a great thinker_._ You can decide which is more important for you.

80 percent of this forum is Indian.

and another 19.99% is Canadian.

than 0,01 or less is Chinese

I can attest to this, growing up in a neighbourhood that was 40% Asian 15% Indian/Iranian and the rest white/other has taught me that people are all pretty much the same and that there are low functioning people from all ethnicities.

There is a strong selection bias in immigrant communities that many ‘white’ North Americans may not be aware of. First due to the points based immigration system in Canada and I beleive the United States has a similar system, we are pretty much only exposed to the elite of what the asian continent has to offer. Additionally, even in instances where there is not much in terms of economic/social capital most immigrants or children of immigrants grow up with what can be described as an ‘immigrant mentality.’ A mentality where self discipline, hard work and achievement is highly valued, often times to the point where it is abusive and toxic. I am ethnically Irish and grew up in a household like that, until I rebelled, so its not like Asians and Indian’s have a monopoly on creating achievement orientated emotional wrecks.