NYC afterparty

Guys from NYC… WHat are ur plans after CFA… looks like all the other cities are planning something… we need to do something … get connected to the world again after months of being antisocial :slight_smile:

Oh man…All I know is that I will be drinking heavily. I wouldn’t be surprised if I wake up in the middle of central park.

HEHE… been a very long time… need to catch up with all tht

I am in for some fun, let me know when and where and I’m in.

Let me know. I will need some party after all this anti-socialness! Plus, the CFA is on my actual birthday too! Wish I had taken this test 2 years ago when it was still fresh from university!

I am gonna burst crackers on 7th Ave, 42nd Street at sharp 5.01PM … I already missed Diwali this time and now is the time to catch up on some firecrackers… spending the rest of the night in Alcatraz prison for having done that…