Failed one the borderline. Congrats to everyone who passed, see you next year if you did not.

Failed. Next year will be the year!


Slightly closer to 90th than pass rate.

Just over 50% on Essay

just over 90th for the MC



W for me :slight_smile:

MPS appears to be 60/61 and the pass rate was 56%


Made it.

Relieved. Yet to sink in. 52-53 percentile in the AM and 82-84 percentile in the PM. Struggle of many years and sacrifice paid of. Thanks to all. Thanks to S2000. The lord was with me.

Gotta sign off now. Will reload soon.

Scoring 68-69% on essay would have landed a top 90%, while temset required approx 85%

Passed! Cya guys!

passed. good riddance. never have to do this ever again. all levels in one attempt. i didn’t expect it at all. omg

Passed. What a relief! Holy f@ck what a 3-year ride this has been. It’s finally over. So unbelievably happy.

I passed. But, I am SO close to the MPs it ain’t even funny

Passed, 95th percentile overall, a little better than I expected. Good luck to those waiting for results or taking next year.


Got 65% am and right on the 70% line in pm. Seems ok give my abysmal 10 % in ethics and asset allocation, though nailed it on a few other areas including derivatives

Passed!!! Huge thank you to everyone on this forum!!!

passed. way over the 90th percentile mark. looks like the bottom of my blue box is still above the 90th percentile mark.

thanks all on this forum, espectially @s200magician, his grading service is one i would recommend


Passed! Thank God… couldnt sleep all night and this is a very nice reward.