"Oh, you'll be fine!"

im sure there are people who barely make the cut off and pass, in hindsight say dumb things like “o i studied for 2 weeks rly and i passed lol lvl 1 is easy” i’ve come across a few of them already, and i really wonder how one can cram all this information in 2 weeks. one girl stated she studied 1 week and passed. “oh it was do-able”

they are such show offs. its so irritating.

i’ve copped the you’ll be fine you havn’t gone out for the past month (coming from mates who are still in uni, massive holidays, dont’ work ft!) i’m also annoyed at the people who say they will fail, but have always said they will fail like in their undergrad but have never actually failed. FAIL AND LIVE A LITTLE GEezzz

I hated being told “oh, you’ll be fine.” The only time that I felt fine about L1 was 8 weeks after it was over and I read “PASS” on the comp screen. I guess I should start getting ready for round 2 of “oh, you’ll be fine” since I’m going to have to hear it for the next 6 months.

lol, maybe we’re just all so cranky

I’m tired of hearing this too!

KJH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > map1 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > “take a break, you will get too tired for the > > exam” (I said it myself to others), when in > fact > > all you can think of is the exam:)) > > > I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m going > balls to the wall until next Saturday at 9am. > > Also, I hate that saying, “If you don’t know it by > 6pm the night before you never will.” Or, “8 > hours of sleep will do you better than 8 hours of > studying.” > > I’m sure I’m going to sleep soundly Friday the > 6th! The 6pm thing is a fallacy, but sleep is definitely not. Focus is gonna be pretty important. You don’t wanna be tired and cranky. That could lead to panic and worse.

At a birthday dinner last night for my friend, someone told me, “Maybe you’re overstudying?” WTF is that suppose to mean? Yeah, so I’m suppose to just not study as much to increase my accuracy with answering questions! Another person said, “You’re starting to study now? I would begin the day before like I always did.” I swear, some people are just dumb. One caveat is that both comments came from elementary school teachers…now I’m scared for when I have kids about the type of people who are leading them during the early years.

My family drives me crazy. They tell me that I should stop studying this week and rest before the test… and, of course things like “for sure you’ll pass, you’ve been studying this thing forever” and “You are soo smart, you can do it easy” wrrrr…

I am soo sick of hearing “you will be fine” It is the most anoying thing to hear.