Optinal readings - where are they?

Having gone through 4 CFAI volumes, I don’t recall having come across any reading material marked as optional. That is, except the one listed in Errata for volume 2 (Pg 92 until end of the chapter). Now there is some material that you wonder why it is there as it just doesn’t connect to LOS - like double currency swaps. So where is all the optional material? Am I missing something?

When you get to swaps and derivatives. the easy portion is optional, the hard stuff is not.

You are right - the basics on derivatives were optional. Anything else peeps?

Last part of GIPS (Section 6) does not tie to any LOS. Infact, the word tax does not appear at all in any LOS on GIPS (Reading 49). Unless I am missing something, I could not tie any LOS to Section 5 (Takeovers & Leveraged Buyouts) in Corp. Governance (Reading 33).

Are you leaving the portions in CFAI texts that do not tie in some way to an LOS? I did that for last few pages in the swaps reading.

That’ what I am doing. My take is that if I cannot tie it to an LOS, then what is the point of studying that material.

the word “optional” makes me not wonder where they are at all

Reading 13 - 30+ pages.