Optional Material - CFA Level II

Hi everyone,

I know this topic has come up several times in the past, however I noticed something very weird while studying in the CFA books.

I discovered that some topics included in the Learning Outcome (LOS) were also included in the Optional Segment of the books.

For example, in Derivatives, Reading 49 Page 59, the LOS-h states that we should be able to “calculate and interpret the prices of Treasury bond futures”.

If you actually go to page 101, section 7.2.3 “Pricing Treasury Note and Bond Futures”, you will actually see that it is included in the “Optional Segment” of the textbook.

How is that possible? I am extremely confused by this lack of consistency/common sense from the CFA Institute. DId anyone happen to notice this as well?


Check the errata file. A lot of the optional material in derivatives is actually not optional.

We want to remind candidates of some mismarked “optional” sections in the 2013 Level II derivatives curriculum. Readings 49 and 50 had some pages marked as “optional” when they are actually part of the assigned readings. This was posted in the online Errata in August 2012, and we want to contact all Level II candidates to make sure you incorporate these sections into your course of study:

  • Reading 49: Section 7.2.2 (p. 100) up to Section 7.3 (p. 106) was marked as optional. These sections are assigned as part of the required reading.
  • Reading 50: Section 6 (p. 167) up to Section 9 (p. 211) was marked as optional. These sections are assigned as part of the required reading.

These printing errors were corrected in the eBook in August 2012. Please contact us if you are having trouble viewing your curriculum.

Be sure to visit the online Level II Errata to view other curriculum corrections and follow@CFAprogram on Twitter to be notified when the errata is updated

Did you not get this email?

I actually did receive the email, but it totally slipped my mind.


yup errata, i look it up quite often to make sure