Order of Practice Exams

What order would you recommend taking the practice exams in if you have 6 Schweser practice exams, and the last three years of CFAI? Take CFAI first or Schweser? Any other providers have good mocks?

I’m taking schweser first, then going to do CFAI, although I already did the 2016 Mock (AM & PM are both multiple choice)

I have completed 4/6 schweser.

I think I am going to run out of practice tests, once I finish schweser and CFAI which ones should i do after that? any suggestions?

Search online for mocks dating from 1999 onwards…they ARE available!

if you can comfortably answer every question in all 6 schweser exams… you should easily pass

Any suggestions on where to find past am test prior to 2012? The links on the website i was using stopped working for the older exams…

Any suggestions on where to find Schweser practice exams??

Sorry mate but I bought them with the package. Perhaps they are available online somewhere, but I doubt it.

…and we’ll be right back with “America’s Elite Analysts” after these messages.


Where can we get the document outlinding the relevant topics for old exams?

…But first, stay tuned for the newest episode of “Charterholders with Nothing Better to Do”.

You can buy Schweser exams on EBAY