Pages / Day / CFAI

Hi, how many to you read , including solving EOC? I average at 45 / free day (8 hours)

Without doing the questions, I’m averaging about the same as you, maybe a little more (50).

I do about 12-13 pages an hour (I’m typing notes the whole time) but have a 65 page outline rocking already and am through 2 books…the note taking seriously slows me down but its great to refer back to

^^^ similar…is slower but worth it.

nicob Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^^^ similar…is slower but worth it. 100% worth it because come crunch time (april & may) I’ll have schwesser SS and my own SS…and for level I I NAILED the study guide and some test questions were exactly as my notes had them

20-25 a weekday, 80-100 per weekend. Questions in the texts are so much better than schweser.

You guys are too good. I am lucky if I am able to read 10 pages per day, considering that I am employed full time in a very competitive job (i.e., 15 hour work days)

15 work days? oh my god… what do you do… that’s insane… i have negiotiated part - time job contribution with my employer (4 hours a day) in December so i can focus only on CFA. On May I’m gonna use all my free days (Polish law - 20 days a year) and focus on CFA 100%… I prefer to do just a market hightligts (no notes).

What section are you guys on that you’re so quick? I’m on derivatives and I’m moving SO slow, it’s so dense. I have a hunch PM is going to be similar.

I’m currently plowing my way through equities…it goes pretty quick. But as a Level II retaker (and finance major) calculating FCF and price multiples is pretty generic stuff. Derivatives, on the other hand, will take much longer…I’m sure of it.

pgh.ndt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What section are you guys on that you’re so quick? > I’m on derivatives and I’m moving SO slow, it’s > so dense. I have a hunch PM is going to be > similar. Retaker here. Reading it the 2nd time around helps!

I do recall I said 15 hour work days (i.e., average 15 hours on a daily basis doing work for my employer). Can it be any clearer than that? I do not remember saying 15 work days!?! In my opinion, 15 hour work days are not too bad relative to other analysts. Nevertheless, it is still very difficult to squeeze in time to read for the CFA exam.

^^ not everyone’s native language is English here. I think that is what he/she meant to write.