Past relevancy of cfa am exams

Does anyone have a good site where it will show what questions are still relevant from previous actual am exams since 2010 or so?

Most of the service providers have good guides on this. Schweser provides all the past exams and a straightforward summary of which questions from which years. Don’t think CFAI is explicit on this.

Found this very useful:

Level Three Key – Pass The CFA Level 3 Morning Essay Exam

Since 2012…

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RandomWalktwithDrift you are the man. I wish you good luck with your studies and hope you pass.

Any idea if we will see a similar breakout of topics as prevoius years I.e.;

8 - 11 Short Answers in the Morning
2 Port. Mgmt. Individual
1 Port Mgmt. Inst.
1 Economics
1 Fixed Income Investment
1 Behavioral Finance

2 Ethics
1 Equity
1 Fixed Income
1 Alternatives
1 Risk Management

After reading a bit more close a lot of the stuff they deem no longer relevant is crap. They pretty much say everything but the Port. Mgmt. sections in the AM are irrelevant. I know for a fact a lot of the risk management and fixed income portions are still relevant. Those sections have hardly changed.