Consider a random variable X that follows a continuous uniform distribution: 7 ≤ X ≤ 20. Which of the following statements is least accurate? A) F(21) = 0.00. B) F(12 ≤ X ≤ 16) = 0.307. C) F(10) = 0.23 Answer in Schweser QBank is A and here is the explanation: (21) = 1.00 The probability density function for a continuous uniform distribution is calculated as follows: F(X) = (X – a) / (b – a), where a and b are the upper and lower endpoints, respectively. (If the given X is greater than the upper limit, the probability is 1.0.) Shortcut: If you know the properties of this function, you do not need to do any calculations to check the other choices. The other choices are true. F(10) = (10 – 7) / (20 – 7) = 3 / 13 = 0.23 F(12 ≤ X ≤ 16) = F(16) – F(12) = [(16 – 7) / (20 – 7)] − [(12 – 7) / (20 – 7)] = 0.692 − 0.385 = 0.307 My Question is: How come the probability of option A = 1 as explained in answer and how could it be more than 0 if the lower and upper bounds are between 7 and 20