Pengs & Wings

Just for fun… Go… what the heck I don’t really care either way…

This series has been a big distraction for me. I don’t have a team in it but I’m a huge hockey fan, and they are both great teams to watch.

pittsburgh in 7

Despite the fact that Malkin got very confused and left for vacation after the Pens / Flyers series, I say Pittsburgh in 7. More of a wish than a prediction though… :wink:

Any of you guys from around Pittsburgh?

Garbage goals are even.

Cr0sby w1ns!!! gogogo

c’mon Wings!!! My studies can’t take a game 6.

seriously…i hope they wrap it up tonight

Ewwwwwwwww…getting interesting.

YEAH!!! Tie Game!! Crap…I wanted to finish CFA 2006 exam.

great, looks like OT. no more studying 2nite


GO LEAFS GO fruitless i know but us torontonians luv em

Are you going to be sad seeing Mats wearing a red winged wheel next year?

Can someone tell me what’s happening, I’m nowhere near a TV.

would be for the best we really need a new team. getting rid of pat quinn was the worst descision

Penguins tied it with goalie pulled at ~35secs…going to OT. 3rd period was all wings…scored 2 but the penguins got the one they needed at the end.

haha crosby wants that cup bad

Wow, some pittsburgians happy shouting when that went down i’m sure.