Pension Question

  1. Expected Return does not Affect PBO. However if Expected return is part of acturial g/l, and according to the PBO equation (service cost+interest cost+acturial g/l), shouldn’t it ultimately affect PBO?

  2. Contribition and Change in Net Funding Status=Total Pension Cost. However, wouldn’t contribution be double counted because net funding status=change in net asset and pbo. Net asset=Beg net asset+ contribution +actual return-benefits paid. Contribution is counted in net funding status calculation already?


  1. Expected Return does not Affect PBO. However if Expected return is part of acturial g/l, and according to the PBO equation (service cost+interest cost+acturial g/l), shouldn’t it ultimately affect PBO?

As far as I know, expected return has no effect on Actuarial G/L. Exp return on plan asset has effect on Pension Exp only. I think you’re confused with differences between Actual Ret and Exp return that has impacted on Actuarial G/L. (Remember differences between Actual and Exp Ret is termed as Remeasurement)

  1. Contribition and Change in Net Funding Status=Total Pension Cost. However, wouldn’t contribution be double counted because net funding status=change in net asset and pbo. Net asset=Beg net asset+ contribution +actual return-benefits paid. Contribution is counted in net funding status calculation already?

I guess its in you question. Contribution included in funded status is Beg year while what have been asked, is contribution during the year that has affected total pension Cost…Hope I’m right

And hope It helps


The difference between the actual return and the expected return goes to OCI. Under IFRS it just sits there, while under US GAAP it may get amortized and included in pension expense. It never goes to PBO.

Here, net funded status is ΔPBO − Δassets, so the contribution cancels out.


+Past Service Cost (IFRS is expensed asap; US GaaP: amortized using the corridor method)

+Current Service Cost

+Interest Cost

+Acturial Loss

-Acturial gain

+contributions from Employee

-Benefits Paid


The expect return is an assumption. the actual return is the real deal. The difference is accounted for IN OCI.

So you see… doesn’t goes thru PBO