People who put MBA after their names

i have seen a signature like this: XXXX, MBA Harvard No lie. A SIGNATURE.

I think it also common on the retail side because it is a form of marketing. Esp if you are dealing with more accounts that may not all be over a million dollars

Tools. Enough said.

I generally do not approve, but there are regional differences around the US. Denver and Portland in particular, have the most MBA “designations” I’ve ever seen. The p of an MBA appearing after a name comes down to some regression with the following variables: Region of the country: The further west and south, the higher the probability; Prestige of institution: agreed, it’s a negative correlation. The better the university, the less likely MBA appears on the business card. Avge education in position: If most have a HS degree, then an MBA is distinctive Amount of business development in position: the more the position is geared towards sales, the more likely an MBA is in the name.