Philosophy, Poverty, and Medicine

This isn’t “Big Idea” with Donny Deutch . . . but These three subjects have interested me for much time. Not as something I would necessarily like to practice (you can’t practice poverty of course . . . well most people don’t as a profession), but to influence these three in some way. I was first interested in Philosophy, and then Medicine for a short bit, followed by an interest in Poverty and 3rd world countries around the world. Most of this centered around the fact that in some way in the future I would like to contribute to the grand scheme of things, but then thought that: a)In regards to Philosophy (specifically Metaphysics) - we pretty much know why we are here and even if we do learn more about how we came to be, will that really change anything? Probably not. People will still be people. b) Medicine - If someone made a significant breakthrough in curing diseases or medicine to extend people’s lives, it would be great. I have spent a good amount of time raising money for such causes. But in the grand scheme of things, is this going to help children dying of thirst in poorer countries, or giving kids a chance in the poorer parts of the world? Probably not. c) Poverty - So in my experience with the two above, it has led me back to poverty. Optimally everyone on this planet in some day will have a fighting chance. I keep coming back to the mindset that we are only as strong as our weakest link (ie country or region). Once everyone in this world has a fighting chance at being ‘all they can be’, I think we will really see some spectacular effects. As I am pursuing finance and see it as one of my strong points, it is the best way that I see that I can make a dent in finance and work towards helping to fight poverty in this world. I have some ‘big ideas’ and am excited to employ them, but need to do a few other things first before opening up the ‘box of tricks.’ - - - - - - Anyway, there seem to be a handful of smart people out there which is why I posted. Anyone else ever have any big thoughts that really get to the core of the world and/or humanity, or ways you can see contributing in more than the day to day grind of your job?

I’m in agreement with pretty much everything you outlined. Poverty is the overwhelming cause of many social imbalances in the world and source of many social ills. Unfortunately poverty will always persist (varying degrees mind you) due to the capitalistic nature of our society and increasingly the world. Quality of life may improve but there will always be barriers brought about by social classes. This situation is both a gift and a curse depending on your viewpoint. Barriers can help build up entreprenurial drive and allow those that persevere immense reward yet at the same time prevent very capable and smart individuals an opportunity to prove themselves.

My worldview up to this point hasn’t been as large as third-world poverty, but I have always wanted to “use my finance powers for good” and educate Americans how to be financially responsible - I know that there are so many of us out there (Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman come to mind) but I like to think that one more wouldn’t hurt. Who knows, maybe I’ll expand out to poverty. Maybe I’ll sell stocks to homeless people and start running a giant ponzi scheme before eventually crumbling to pieces before the court and infuriating thousands of homeless. I’m thinking penny stocks. But I was serious in the first paragraph.

"Unfortunately poverty will always persist (varying degrees mind you) due to the capitalistic nature of our society " It’s a shame that we haven’t adopted a communist system, which would solve poverty, as it did in the USSR and Cuba.

joemontana Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Unfortunately poverty will always persist > (varying degrees mind you) due to the capitalistic > nature of our society " > > It’s a shame that we haven’t adopted a communist > system, which would solve poverty, as it did in > the USSR and Cuba. I am fully in support of capitalism but am fully aware that social inequity will always exist, to a greater extent than communism or socialism, under such a system.

Poverty will always exist because someone will always invent the idea of poverty or arbitrarily define it. Many people today who was considered impoverished in the US would be considered middle class 30 years ago. If you want to help other people and give away your money or knowledge or skill, go ahead…just don’t force me to. That would be enslavement. Freedom for all is more important than eliminating poverty. How many times do we have to answer this same question over and over and over again. In USSR, in China, in Vietnam, in North Korea, in Cuba, in Africa, in Mexico, in Latin America, in the USA also….over and over and over again. It’s really getting quite tiring, READ SOMETHING AND THINK FOR YOURSELF. The bleeding hearts have good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Freedom to speak, think, teach, learn, live, build is more important than a few dying people. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Everyone dies.