Pinocchio's paradox

Sweep man, a few weeks into the job and already deleting comments without any notification?

While we’re on clerks, the sequel was garbage. They obviously tried to shoe horn in some quotable and memorable discussions like the video in this thread but they didn’t compare. I mean, the whole ‘ass to mouth’ thing isn’t really a debate, amirite6?

Why is it so hard to imagine? I grew up in a different country with the different culture. Including movies and tv shows! I can name a million references you’ll never get :slight_smile: Sure we had some American, Italian, French movies etc when I was growing up. But there is no way I can know all the popular US shows from before I moved here. I am willing to learn but I will never get to the level of someone who grew up here… Same with the language, accent and many other things. I am fine with that.

^what does 2008 signify?

And you tell him girl.

Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister


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