Plan of Attack - Thoughts?

Hey All,

Firstly, good luck to those waiting on results!

I’m taking the Dec 2014 Level 1 exam in Vancouver & thought I would get some advise from the esteemed community here on AF. I do not have a business background during my undergrad. I was a science major; however, I worked for four years with a team of IAs in an admin, marketing, sales capacity.

I started leisurly studying about a month ago and have logged about 45 hours covering Ethics & Quant from Schweser.

My plan is to use Schweser exclusively for;

Ethics, Quant, Econ, CF, AI and Derivatives

& Use the CFAI curriculum for;

FRA, Equity & FI

Other than that focus on all EOC questions for each topic, QBANK & some Mocks. I’m aiming for about 400 hours, due to my lack of first hand experience in these areas. I’m currently between jobs as I spent the last year living abroad, so I should have more time than the average person for studying.

Also, has anyone heard of Biotech specific equity research?

Sounds good!

I would use Schweser for everything except Ethics, hammer their Qbank and leave 1 month for mocks and review. Good luck buddy.

Thanks man. I’ll try out Schweser for the other topics as suggested, it should cut down the amount of prep time significantly.