Please help, calculator problem (TI BA II Plus)

You have the clac in END mode you need BGN
Without seeing the whole question I think the cash flows are at the start of each period.
The calculator defaults to usiing END of period.
Press 2ND PMT, should show END
Presse 2ND ENTER until it shows BGN
Press CE/C
Calc should show little “BGN” on display,
Try your calcs again.

Make sure to put the calc back to end (use same process as before) as most likely to need END mode in questions


Yes I got it. Thanks
One more thing why we need to change in some question P/Y and C/Y what does it reflect as I saw that someone gave an example by putting P/Y=12 and C/Y =2.
Why so ?
Please explain?

I never use them as I think the time spent learnign is not worth it and you have to remember to reset them as for most calcs you won’t need them but there is not indication on values they hold.

Many a person messes it up and can then never work out why things go wrong.

Setting P/Y and C/Y helps avoid calculating the rate that matches the payment frequency: ain’t nobody got time for that in the exam!!! :-1:

In buddy’s YT video, if the interest rate is compounded weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc., all I have to do is change C/Y to 52, 12, 4, etc. The question stem even tells you how to set P/Y (“per week” = 52) and C/Y (“compounded daily” =365)!!!