PLZ Explain Dummy variable concept

im not that acquinted with dummy variables…plz explain… thanks…

Dummy variables are basically on or off, yes or no; they take the form of 0 or 1 . Essentially they are only used in situations where the probability is either yes or no…not sure how to explain it but let’s say you have a regression formula for snow fall for the 4 seasons of the year as follows: Snowfall = 0.25 + 1.75 S1 + 1.00 S2 -0.50 S3 Notice that 0.25 is our base Season (season 4) variable are n-1, so 4-1=3 So if you want to find out snow fall in season 2, you get 0.25 + 1.75 (1) + 1.00 (0) -0.50 (0)=2.00 Hope that helps

Or: #Runs scored on saturday = 30 + 25*SEX - 20*CHORES Where SEX = 1 if the wife has been nice to me in the morning, 0 otherwise and CHORES = 1 if she has whinged at me about the washing up, 0 otherwise.

BTW, I’m averaging about 20 at the moment :frowning:

chrismaths Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BTW, I’m averaging about 20 at the moment :frowning: hey you are married, sex should not even be in the regression, unless its a regression run on your month of birth…


hey thanks…that helped…