Practice Exam Scores

68% on the last mock I took, with sleep deprivation and significant cognitive impairment.

Now I need to add some annoying fidgety guy who presses his calculator buttons really loud… and the actual exam conditions will be set.

Maybe should add a guy who mumbles to himself as he reads as well.

been getting pretty consistent scores of 73%~76% (avg of am and pm).

clawing my way to 70% in both AM and PM - kicking and screaming

Having gone through a few past morning and afternoon papers now, it’s interesting to see how they vary over the years…


I was beaten up by the 2010 pm paper, yet 2011 was fine…It turns out 2010 had a 46% L3 pass rate for that year.

The 2006 essay paper was a gift!..Then I looked, an amazing 76% pass rate for CFA L3 that year.

Let’s hope we get lucky in 2013!

Schweser Practice Exams try to teach you something. CFAI tests do not. Therefore, on balance I think the CFAI exams are usually much more straightforward.

just had my best AM score, 75%…rest have been around 60% though. a big gap between that and 85-90% in the PM so I’m trying to focus on communicating what I know on paper. Harder than it sounds :slight_smile:

Just finished my first CFAI AM session - did the 2011 AM and got a 79% - was dreading doing my first CFAI exam out of fear that I would bomb it and it would end up being much harder than Schweser… I can’t really say that it is. Will attempt the 2010 AM this weekend.

It is honestly exactly where i’ve been scoring on Schweser Practice AM’s. I do find the CFAI much more straightforward - you know what they are looking for.

Just finished the 2011 CFAI PM mock. Scored 79%. Very consistent scores - I am starting to feel ready for this thing! Another two weeks of focused study and 2-3 more exams and I should be good to go…

How the fck you guys are scoring in 70s and 80s in AM? I am struggling to even score in 60s in AM…

Somehow scored 80% on CFAI 2010 AM and >90% on PM. Not sure what to make of it. Both seemed ridiculously easy compared to Schweser and any post-2010 CFAI exams that I’ve done. Probably the easiest practice exam I’ve taken for any of the levels.

nvestn, what do you think of CFAI 2010 AM/PM?

schweser is hard.

80% of schweser pm is like True or False questions.

very intimidating

Haven’t looked at it yet - probably will this week. Will report back :slight_smile:

How did you score on the 2011 CFAI exam/mock?

In the end it’s very difficult to compare scores where we’ve each graded our own marks. I try to be as fair and realistic as possible. You cannot be overly strict on the grading to the point where it’s unrealistic either - the graders are not machines and you will get some points for doing certain things - also CFAI has stated that it is possible to get points for answers that weren’t on the guidelines… At least I think… However do not assume anything outside of the guidelines is right when you grade yourself. Im just saying don’t give yourself a 0 on the whole question because you wrote something in that wasn’t exactly the answer key…

If you are being too strict on your grading, then you may be downward biasing your results. Might not be a bad thing as it will motivate you to push hard til the end. Either that or you haven’t mastered all the material yet :-/

69% AM, 70% PM (took it 2 or 3 weeks ago, probably would have done a little better today).

Attempted Schweser Vol 2 - Test 1 - PM. 47/60 (78.3%). I averaged about ~70% in all Vol 1 PMs about a month back.

A quick ‘summary’ revision over the last month has definitely helped OR the questions were easy in this particular test !!! Not sure which one - Few more practice tests to go before I know for sure !

Last three PM sections I took were all either 77% or 78% (pretty ridiculous how consistent it has been).

My AM sections cannot possibly be above 60% though. I haven’t graded them but it’s pretty clear that I’m not doing well on them.

you guess and then deduct about 10% from your total score at the end

let’s hope 2013 is easy




these are all AM. The only PM I’ve done is 2010 and got 65%.

All of these scores that were comparing don’t even matter. I feel like I’m grading my scores pretty harsh against the guideline answers but everyone is grading differently

Just Gave Schweser online mock

AM: 62.22%

PM: 81.11%